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Elisa Gabbert

I too thought the table of contents was a poem.

K.I.N.G. Wenclas

Re the interview: I don't think I've read such pretentious self-serving bullshit in my life. In this day of McSweeney's, that's saying a lot.
Tao, a complete solipsist, has a way of appearing humble while simultaneously remaining completely focused upon himself (as opposed to society, or other people). The universe revolves around him, yet this god of the ego remains self-effacing. The Eggers Technique, modified.
Tao is the antithesis of an underground writer, but does have appeal to bourgeois narcissists of this day and age.
Thank you in advance for not deleting this post.


king, please use some concrete specifics. i would like to respond if you want to use some concrete specifics. i look at my effect on the world, my concrete effect, instead of focusing on things that don't actually exist.

K.I.N.G. Wenclas

??? The entire interview is an example of your self-absorption. "My books are just books" answer, for example, shows your focus-- always inside your mind; about your moods, and occasionally about your books. The world outside Tao Lin is scarcely ever glimpsed.


king. let's look at my concrete actions in the world. i spend money only on vegan products. i spend like 95% money on independent venues and am selective in which independent venues i spent money at. i spend money on 95% organic foods. i am published by an independent publisher who publishes non-fiction that shows the harms of corporations in a variety of fields such as medicine, AIDS, food (forthcoming), media (THE BIG CHILL). i try to use concrete specifics when i say things. i don't 'name-call.' etc. all these things are because i acknowledge that other people and animals, etc. exist, and feel pain.


Sometime in the future I will wear a shirt that says, “Noodles are molecules.” People might not understand it. I will make the font really small so people that don’t understand it won’t get offended or feel stupid. I’m not sure what day of the week I would wear a shirt that said “Noodles are molecules.” People sometimes get angry so I probably wouldn’t wear it on Sunday. I might wear it to work, but only if I don’t leave my tiny office and don’t schedule any meetings. I am afraid of the kind of reception a shirt that said, “Noodles are molecules,” might have. I think I would wear it inside out, but maybe not. Maybe I would wear it on Tuesday because today is almost Tuesday. There are only five days until Tuesday.

Ricardo Terrori

hey, what's the problem with tao being the way he is? I wrote a comment in his blog, very light, with no content really, and he didn't answered it in mine and i don't think i'm taking any offense by that. i read some of his gmail chats and i think he's very straight forward to it. he lives in a traumatized and selfish city and he's young in an age of aids and remakes of 80's tv cartoons by hollywood.i even think that is kind of naive all that self-explaining of his concrete actions, which in addition are quite correct and all that.he even try to give a logical and fair answer to king. so what's the matter? aren't a lot of writers complicated people? is this some form of racism or something?
i think tao is ok and solipsism is ok. if the world outside tao doesn't care to tao -even if he says it does- what's the problem? if you king, are so kind, come over to my country (i live in chile) to care and help animals and poor people and the whales and stuff. do your goody-goody thing, if iy is for real-which i doubt, because i can spot false concioussness when i read it- and leave tao alone.

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Sometime in the future I will wear a shirt that says, “Noodles are molecules.” People might not understand it. I will make the font really small so people that don’t understand it won’t get offended or feel stupid. I’m not sure what day of the week I would wear a shirt that said “Noodles are molecules.” People sometimes get angry so I probably wouldn’t wear it on Sunday. I might wear it to work, but only if I don’t leave my tiny office and don’t schedule any meetings. I am afraid of the kind of reception a shirt that said, “Noodles are molecules,” might have. I think I would wear it inside out, but maybe not. Maybe I would wear it on Tuesday because today is almost Tuesday. There are only five days until Tuesday.

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It does not seem to matter here whether the people are middle-class Japanese or middle-class any-other-American-or-foreigner. Lin points out how anyone might feel in this situation: the lines are long, and (more philosophically) why New Jersey? The contrast between calm faces, yelling interior monologue, the poet himself and Japanese people proves humorous when one reads Lin's conclusion to the poem "we just want to get our food/ and eat it/...and go to sleep."




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Congratulations on your three books. I like each one. When I started you are a little bit happier than i am, I thought the table of contents was a poem, one that I really liked.

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Tao Lin books are kinda scary seriously!


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