The New Year approaches and along with it so does the Cruelest Month's second birthday. Conceived on a muggy winter afternoon, born and reared by the imprint Ecco, it stands, in the twilight of 2007, on a crumbling precipice. Where have the posts been? Will the sounding of the New Year also ring the final tolls for this happy little blog? I aver that I don't know. Maybe, maybe not. Possibly. But possibly maybe.
Not that you require me to justify myself, it's only a natural reaction when one knows what they should be doing and they aren't. I think they call that a sin of omission. But let's hope I manage, for your sake and mine, that I keep the posts worthwhile. Is this post worthwhile? Well, it's just got to be.
Anyway, I wanted to thank everyone who has stayed up with the site. Thanks for all your wonderful comments and enthusiasm for poetry and literature. I look forward to all that comes next...with us...together in a committed relationship...sharing everything.
Happy New Year!
Let not this journey come to an end ... there are never enough houses to celebrate the poetry of life.
Happy 2008 to all!
Posted by: JanePoe (aka Deborah) | January 01, 2008 at 05:07 PM
エルメスはリーズナブルな価格で、裁縫や原料などの品質も上質の仕上がりとなっています。エルメスバッグはファッションの象徴、デザインがユニーク。エルメス 財布の商品は品質がいい、価格が高くない。エルメス バーキン'はおしゃれのみならず、実用性が高いです。エルメススカーフのスタイルもまちまちです。チェック柄のは一番人気と思います。エルメススカーフは最高。
Posted by: バーバリーマフラー | October 23, 2011 at 09:21 PM
Posted by: バーバリーアウトレット | October 24, 2011 at 05:00 AM
Best ghd rettetang i norge noensinne kjøpt og jeg har hatt alle de store oppkalt dem før jeg kjøpte disse ghd rettetang! Jeg fikk ghd rettetang billig dag. Kjæresten min veldig liker det. det gjøre oss svært glade. takk for overraskelse. Også håret ditt opphold rette for aldre! Jeg elsket dem! De norgebilligrettetang er de nest beste thing.Great utøvere og selv den neste dagen håret ditt ser ut fersk rettet - og jeg snakker om noen med virkelig krusete hår! ghd rettetang varme opp veldig raskt, og de forlater håret skinnende og myk!
Posted by: ghd | January 03, 2012 at 02:18 AM
POLO ラルフローレンコンピュータプログラムが正常に記録された、会話が良いです。セッションの終了時に、ホストが評価を行うために私の本のために聴衆を求め、ポロそれは破壊や評判、サイト50は、ためらうことなく彼の印、男性のホストを調達し、言った、混在だが、それでも破壊される人々がより多くのああです、29人はブランドを破壊挙げた。残念ながら、それはあなたがプログラムのリスト上で良い本を予約できないようです。
Posted by: ポロ | January 12, 2012 at 02:10 AM